Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Blueberry Banana Bark

This recipe is fast, simple, delicious, and most importantly super healthy! It's only three ingredients which is amazing these days (busy busy busy). I found this recipe here, and I am so happy I found it! These days making food and general activities have been very exhausting so I am super happy when I find simple recipes like these. Anyways, go make this recipe right now and tell me what you think! 

  • 2 frozen bananas (freeze overnight)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cup blueberries
  • Blend the frozen bananas and vanilla in a food processor
  • Stir in blueberries
  • Spread onto parchment paper
  • Place into freezer for at least 4 hours
  • Eat directly from the freezer
Enjoy! Let me know what you think!